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Case Studies

Single Lane Analysis (13 minutes)

This case study evaluates if a single lane roundabout will work, if a single lane with a right turn yield bypass lane will work, or if two or three lanes are necessary.

Flared Entries (7 minutes)

This case study is an analysis of a single lane approach to a flared two-lane entry roundabout, with two lanes circulating and two lanes exiting. We first start with the question: Does a single lane roundabout work? We evaluate the lane distributions to see if perhaps a right turn bypass lane would provide sufficient capacity with the single lane entry or if a flared two-lane entry is necessary.

Bypass Lanes (12 minutes)

This case study evaluates how to analyze continuous or full right turn bypass lanes and how that relates to analysis of entries and the different options that you have for evaluating configurations of entry lanes and bypass lanes in Rodel.

Exclusive Lane Modeling (16 minutes)

The current version of Rodel models explicitly right turn lanes but doesn't explicitly model exclusive left turn lanes. This case study looks at how to do this within Rodel.

Calibration (15 minutes)

The current version of Rodel includes the HCM6 model in addition to the HCM 2010 model, and features seamless integration with Rodel's native Geometric Lane Based model (Kimber's). This tutorial primarily describes the use of HCM6 calibration.

Sensitivity Testing (13 minutes)

Robust, easy testing for different traffic growth scenarios.

Coming soon:

Safety and Economic Analysis